No Magic Trick- This 2FA Is Invisible.Create magic with invisible OTP verification

OnlineCommunity is expanding with growing opportunities and with it, the bad actors. There are all sorts of people, playing their role, some push the community to raise technology, some mess with it.

What Does it Take to Create Something Awesome

Pushpendra Our Founder, from the beginning wondered if we can create a website on a Google Doc? Yes, you read it right! The conversation started & ended in 1 line, so typical Pushpendra

4 Ways You Can Use Content to Improve Customer Experience

Today’s consumers are savvier than ever before, and they can smell a sales pitch from three blocks away. It’s tempting to push the hard sell on your products online, particularly when it feels like you’re up against thousands of other brands selling the same stuff, but this can make customers tune out and take their business elsewhere. 

Tips & Tricks to Successful Business Texting

We’re living in a mobile-first world. Be it interacting with one another, brands with their customers or the world around us, mobile devices have become our go-to gadget and texting our go-to communication medium.

Why you need the Right Tools to Make Data-Driven Decisions while sending SMS Campaigns

What makes SMS different from other forms of communication is that text messaging is direct and to the point. You get very little space to catch a user’s attention but it’s immediate. 

World Cup Fever in India - How Mega-Brands Are Using SMS

5 Communication Touchpoints To Help You Build Killer Customer Relationships

Today’s customer demands simplicity, flexibility, convenience and services anywhere anytime. In order to establish customer loyalty, it is important to connect with the customer first. And, for that, you need to take responsibility for your brand communication.

10 Great Reasons To Choose MSG91 As Your Messaging Partner

Almost everyone these days is arrested in their mobile phones either to stay connected with social media or to find information. We’ve all become highly dependent on our phones. But in a way, this dependency has also opened up opportunities for businesses to reach their customers through a medium where they are always available.

Chatbots and Business Communication- How to be more Human?

Remember those times when for even a minor issue we had to wait on hold, listen carefully and then respond to various IVR questions and then finally get connected to a human representative and start the process again.

A Recipe for Effective Classroom Communication

In today’s times, millennials are much more isolated and disconnected from human interaction than ever before. Thus, it is incredibly important that parents work together with educational institutes ensuring their children get the best of all points of connection.

Developing an Android Messaging App?

Instant messaging is oh so popular but did you know it is the plain old SMS that people prefer for their professional as well as personal lives. SMS is still the number one choice for business communication as it has a whopping 98% open rate and works on every single mobile phone.

Understanding The Difference Between Transactional SMS And OTP SMS

Did you know that the first text message was sent in 1992? The SMS (Short Message Service) was sent from a computer to a mobile phone over a Vodafone GSM network, and it read “Merry Christmas”. Since then, SMS has grown to be a fully-fledged primary form of communication – not only for commercial use but for personal conversations too.

AI- Biggest Disruption in the B2B SaaS World

What was until recently an emerging trend is now so extensively established that even thinking of working without it seems delusional.

5 Reasons your Email Reminders Fail

Ample is said and done about how to succeed with email marketing. We try stuff, we experiment. But, some of us are still making the same mistakes and failing.

Get Customers Excited About A Product They Cannot See

Selling something that is intangible is totally different than selling a physical product. It becomes more so ever trickier as the services keep changing with every product update and the challenge doesn’t end here.

A Journey from SMS to Communication Megacorp

I clearly remember the spring of 2008, when I returned from Dubai completing my MBA. It was the start of the e-business era. And I, just like every other young blood, had an onrush of ideas (actually millions of ‘em). Growing up, I was a tech freak (I still am), who wanted to invent, not knowing how and what, like most of us.

What Happened at MWC\'19

End of February always brings an ooze of summer as the biggest event in Mobile world sets in. Lakhs of people, brands, ideas and innovations set feet into this futuristic event, where tech freaks get a dose of the latest business world gossips and a shakeup of what technologies are shaping the future of business.

Are You Violating TRAI\xe2\x80\x99s SMS Regulations?

Understanding TRAI regulations for sending business SMS in India. A lot of questions are floating around SMS regulations in India with a lot of vaguish answers. It’s time these questions get addressed and we take it on us.

What Is RCS Messaging And Why Your Business Needs It?

The next-gen text messaging protocol, RCS, is set to offer a real change in the messaging experiences for consumers. having a significant impact on texting, image and GIF sharing. With an open, consistent and globally interoperable messaging service, many carriers are planning an upgrade to RCS from SMS.

Communication Strategy - Third & Final Part of the Three-Piece Tips to Ace Mobile Messaging.

Simply put, a marketing communication strategy either used by an individual or an organization is a strategy used to convey the communication effectively. It includes a message what you want to convey, a medium the channel you use and the target to whom you want to convey.

SMS in Education - Communication best practices for Educational Institutes

Remember days when schools used to send typewriter written letters to notify Parents about their kids’ activities? Go some more years back in time and letters used to be handwritten. Or there used to be Notes in the workbooks (I can talk about this being an 80’s kid). However, in today’s Digital Age, information of any sort is paperless and when everybody from Parents to teachers to even school Kids is always attached to their Smartphones, information is easy to pass on.

This Is The Reason You Are Losing your Customers

Do you spend time and money on customer acquisition? How about customer retention? Growing a business is best accomplished by growing the number of customers, but customer acquisition is not the end-all of it.

From PHP 5.5 to PHP 7 Migration, Mistakes And Learning

Agreed, as a language, PHP comes with its share of shortcomings, but, the environment indemnifies the flaws and you know how.

What Happens At MSG91 Has To Be Shared By MSG91

The year 2018 saw 5 billion people around the world have the ability to send and receive messages via SMS We play only a minuscule role in it.

This Is How An SMS Added More Value To Me As A Customer

Hi, I’m Jerine, a busy, mostly calm and a well-behaved customer.*Today, I’m going to spill out what kind of communication makes a real difference to me and What Not.