Pallavi Jaisinghani, November 19, 2018

Is Your CRM Missing Out On Something?

No longer is the price or product a reason for customers to do business with you, today it’s all about customer experience.

The competition is not limited but has become more about delivering a great experience. But the important question is how?

Customer relationship management (CRM) system can help you improve the experience you provide to your customers and in this article, we’ll tell you all about it.

Customer Experience – A Top Priority

Leaving behind criteria as product and price, in just 2 years’ time – in 2020 – customer experience will be the leading brand differentiator when it comes to buying decision and it’s not only us but studies too state the same.

So what do you need to do differently to create an exceptional experience for your customer – be proactive.

And what does that mean? It’s simple – anticipating and catering to customers’ current and future needs.

A study by inContact revealed that 87% of adults want to be contacted proactively by an organization or company. Proactive service is about the ability to answer customer questions before they even ask them. And believe us when we say, it is going to be a big factor if organisations are serious about trying to meet customer expectations.

Fortunately, there are technologies available to help you proactively be in contact with your customers and one of the best options is the CRM software.

Enabling you to get a 360-degree view of your customer that can be used to create customized offers based on their demographics, interests, buying behaviour and more here’s how you can use CRM software to improvise your customer experience.


You cannot offer great experience without ongoing, meaningful communication. Every contact you have with a customer is an influencer, you have to be great at it every time or you might lose them.

Use your CRM software as a customer loyalty enhancement tool to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty by keeping in touch with them at the crucial touch points. The CRM system can contain a wide range of information of each and every customer allowing you to segment and address the right audience at the right time with the right communication medium.

| | | --- | | “SMS came out as a compelling communications channel in our research. Over half of respondents (51%) use text to connect with brand followers, while 72% of respondents said that SMS was either ‘effective’ or ‘very effective’ when used for Proactive Service. 11.9% said that SMS actually produces the best results for them.”


You do know what CRM stands for – Customer Relationship Management.

And what other way to create a unique relationship with each and every one of your customers than personalizing it at every step of the user journey?

| | | --- | | “The primary way marketers are satisfying the demand for personalization is through the use of account-based marketing and well-crafted content that carefully considers who the customer is and what point of the purchase process they’re in.” Today’s Hottest Marketing Trends: Mobile, Personalization, and AI |


When a customer comes up with a query, they want an immediate response. There’s no time in today’s fast world for delay, if you don’t respond in a timely manner, you risk losing! But you’d be surprised to know that the average response time for most companies is 12+ hours.

With CRM software, you can speed up your responses to customer inquiries by using the widely-accepted communication channel, SMS. With pre-made SMS templates, you can answer the most frequently asked questions quickly by selecting the template from a knowledge base.

| | | --- | | “Imagine sending a message and having 98% of your recipients open it in less than five minutes. With SMS marketing, that is entirely possible.” The Top 5 Text Marketing Statistics You Need to Know |


A history of your customer interaction is recorded in a CRM system helping you offer your customers what they really want, not what you think they want.

Providing you with the knowledge of what your customers need by telling you what products or services they’re interested in, are looking at or have already bought, the CRM software tells you also about the problems customers have had before, and whether or not they were happy with the solutions offered.

| | | --- | | “90% of mobile device users who were enrolled in SMS loyalty clubs felt they had benefited from being involved in the program.” 10 Amazing SMS Marketing Facts And Stats |


Today’s customer demand attention and response on their terms, and not yours. This means that you will have to connect with your customers at a time, place and in the form that they choose.

Since they have access to many competing offers, you need to a medium with an enhanced speed at which you can present your own offers.

| | | --- | | “Text messages are considered less intrusive than other types of marketing. And in an era where people are bombarded with marketing messages, SMS stands out as being the most “natural” or “organic” approach.” Today’s Hottest Marketing Trends: Mobile, Personalization, and AI |



In today’s technology dominated world, customers expect a whole new level of attention. And they expect you to do business with them on their terms. So yes, this is not the time to miss out on anything, more importantly, effective communication.

The customer wants you to understand their specific situations, listen to them, provide them with quick solutions, and basically keep in touch with them. A CRM software helps you to do all of this and more and with a powerful communication medium integrated into your CRM system, be rest assured you will be at the top of your customer communication and experience game.

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