4 Ways You Can Use Content to Improve Customer Experience

Today’s consumers are savvier than ever before, and they can smell a sales pitch from three blocks away. It’s tempting to push the hard sell on your products online, particularly when it feels like you’re up against thousands of other brands selling the same stuff, but this can make customers tune out and take their business elsewhere. 

5 Communication Touchpoints To Help You Build Killer Customer Relationships

Today’s customer demands simplicity, flexibility, convenience and services anywhere anytime. In order to establish customer loyalty, it is important to connect with the customer first. And, for that, you need to take responsibility for your brand communication.

This Is The Reason You Are Losing your Customers

Do you spend time and money on customer acquisition? How about customer retention? Growing a business is best accomplished by growing the number of customers, but customer acquisition is not the end-all of it.

This Is How An SMS Added More Value To Me As A Customer

Hi, I’m Jerine, a busy, mostly calm and a well-behaved customer.*Today, I’m going to spill out what kind of communication makes a real difference to me and What Not.

Is Your CRM Missing Out On Something?

No longer is the price or product a reason for customers to do business with you, today it’s all about customer experience.The competition is not limited but has become more about delivering a great experience. But the important question is how?

Identifying The Different Stages Of Employee Communication

Beginning with the recruitment process and concluding with the retirement, here are the most important stages of an employee lifecycle where you need to be crystal clear with your communication.

Users Actually Enjoy These 7 Types of Text Messages

Brands are adhering to this fact, even so, more since Google announced that non-mobile friendly pages will be ranked low.It is the apps that will be impacted the most with the increasing use of mobile devices and the most vital role in sending notifications will be played by

A Typical Day In The Life Of An SMS

It’s 5 PM on a Friday evening – Do you know where your customer is and what they are doing? It’s not a trick question; it’s an important question that could assist you in developing your messaging strategy as the location of a customer along with their mindset can play an important role in how they act or not, on your text.

Identify User Distress Signals - Before They Abandon Your Brand

Although we are living in a time where information is abundant, we are also living in an era of skipping. With a limited attention span, one second less than the notoriously ill-focused goldfish that has an attention span of mere nine seconds; it is becoming more and more difficult to keep the visitor enticed enough to stay loyal towards a brand.

Part I- No One Ignores This Engagement Medium- Mobile Messaging

Engaging audiences through mobiles, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and other wearables, most companies now recognize the importance of mobile messaging to deliver a positive brand experience.